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Courtney Reardon

Orleans, MA



Courtney Reardon graduated from Dean College in 2010. Since receiving her BA in Dance she has found success in the non-profit world of dance and theater. When she is not at Welfleet Harbor Actors Theater (WHAT), Courtney can be found molding the minds of future artists at the Academy of Performing Arts in Orleans where she has been teaching ballet, creative movement and musical theater for three years. Ms. Reardon has been dancing with TIDES Dance Company for 2 years.

Mary Teuscher 

Providence, RI



Mary began dancing with Donna Mejia at Colorado College where she majored in Spanish and minored in Dance. Currently, she performs with Boston based Zoe Dance Company. Since graduating in 2008 she has had the good fortune to study with many talented artists including Kristen Van Loon and Kirsten Wilder (Hijack), Jesus Miranda (Andanza),  Elia Cortes, Pati Hernandez (Telling My Story),  Louise Rickards (Jeh Kulu), Jamie Jewitt  (Lostwax Multimedia Dance), Heidi Henderson (Elephant Jane), Alex Springer (Doug Varone and Dancers), Daniel McCusker, Ray Elliot Schwartz, Katy Macnamara, Betsy Miller, Stephanie Albanese, Jessica Howard and Stephanie Turner.  She has performed at the Southern Vermont Dance Festival, Six Degrees Dance at University Settlement, Bates Dance Festival, New Life Choreographers series, the Dance Complex and most recently at the RISD Museum and Dance For World Community. Mary lives in Providence Rhode Island and is so happy to work with other artists in the creation of Near and Far.



Special Thanks to:

Studio 878/ TIDES Dance Company

Welfleet Harbor Actors Theatre



Ralph Bousquet

Barnstable, Ma


Musician, Poet

Ralph Bousquet lives in Sunderland, Massachusetts, and is studying writing at Hampshire College. A native of Marstons Mills, his poetry and essays have been published by Cape Cod Community College and as a musician he has performed on stages across New England.

Matthew Carmichael

Sandwich, MA


Musician, Visual Artist, Poet, Dancer

Matthew Carmichael grew up in Sandwich and attended Walnut Hill School of the Arts and Falmouth Academy. He currently attends Sarah Lawrence College where he is pursuing his interests in music, dance, visual art and writing.


Jonah Hirst

Orleans, MA 



Jonah Hirst is a senior at Brandeis University studying music composition. He is passionate about using art as a medium for social change and much of his music has LGBT-related themes. This fall, he will begin working with GLSEN Massachusetts as an advocate for queer and transgender students in Boston area public schools.

Other Artists and Performers:


Vicky Mercer - Barnstable, MA - Visual Artist, Dancer

Jeremy Haig - Orleans, MA - Poet, Singer, Dancer

Meghan Carmichael - Sandwich, MA - Musician, Dancer



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